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Paris Hilton is an American celebutante , businesswoman, singer,model,hollywood actress, author , television personality and celebrity .She is the oldest of four children of her parents.Paris Hilton's best-known acting work is in the television series "The Simple Life". According to a report by Forbes Magazine, she earned approximately $2 mn in 03–04,$6.5 mn in 04–05 and $7 mn in 05–06.

Name: Paris Whitney Hilton
Birth date: 17-02-1981.
Place of birth: New York City, New York, U.S.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 115 lbs
Parents: Richard and Kathy Hilton
Sister: Nicky
Brothers: Barron Nicholas Hilton and Conrad Hughes Hilton
Profession: Socialite, Model, actress, recording artist

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