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Fanny Febriana, His career started when junior high school cover girl

Fanny Febriana
Fanny Febriana is the only child born in Bandung, 24 years ago, and he was pretty far away from negative news. Model began her career in the world since adolescence. Now, he's right in front of us, with a big smile he describes his early career as a model. "That did not intentionally, take cover girl model junior high time," he said. Today, his career developed into a presenter, FTV, and finally the big screen. Jump far enough. But fair enough visits from a professional demeanor.

Behind the face and sweet roles, no one thought that he was buff things challenging. He liked the rafting until smooth body upside down and his head hit a rock. Furthermore, ida await a more challenging role. One was the role as a lesbian. Wow, just heard we can not wait to see it involved in girl on girl action.

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