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Julia Roberts Talks About Her Kids (Yawn Implied)

Julia Roberts / Photos: Flynet Pictures

Another childless writer derides a celebrity talking to Oprah about how completely amazing children are.  I've heard this one before; haven't you, Julia Roberts?

I won't bore you with it again.  Here's what People's Most Beautiful Person (really?) had to say about 5-year-old Hazel and Finn, and 3-year-old Henry:

"My favorite thing is just watching them wake up and watching them realize the day come upon them," Roberts said. "It's just...fascinating to me."

"They're so great and sweet and present," Roberts cooed. "That's the thing about being new to the world, is you're just so present and impressed with everything."

As you may have guessed, Julia Roberts doesn't share valuable bits of personal information for nothing.  She's promoting her new movie Eat, Pray, Love, adapted from the best-selling book.

These pictures of Julia were taken on the set of Larry Crowne, which she's currently filming in Pasadena with Tom Hanks.  She looks like your mom's mean friend who hates kids.  You know what I'm talking about.  Watch a clip of Julia on Oprah after the jump if you love red-heads stating the obvious.

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