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Kristen Stewart: Busy Summer Ahead

Kristen Stewart
She’s gearing up for the release of “Eclipse” next month, and Kristen Stewart is just getting started with her busy summer itinerary.

The “New Moon” babe will be doing constant publicity appearances for the new “Twilight Saga” film all over the globe, and when she gets back to the States, she’ll be heading north to shoot “On the Road.”

Miss Stewart will be working for the month of August in Montreal, Canada on the film, based on the 1957 novel by beat poet Jack Kerouac.

Of the film, Kristen told press, “I am very much attached to a movie that has been trying to get made forever. Not that this is going to help it, but maybe I can just brag a little bit. I am super excited about it, too. I am about to play Marylou in ‘On the Road.’ So that’s a big deal.”

Kristen also appears in a new set of promotional shots for “Eclipse” in USA Today with costars Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner.

Enjoy the pictures of Kristen Stewart with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner for a June 2010 USA Today shoot. Click Here

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