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Breaking Dawn set for 3D release?

Breaking Dawn set for 3D release?
  Breaking Dawn set for 3D release?

Kristen Stewart keen to shoot the final Twilight installment in 3D - We're not sure if this will be too much for the Twihards to handle...  Robert Pattinson coming right out of the screen towards them in all his three dimensional glory... Still, if Kristen Stweart gets her way, it could become a reality in the movie version of Breaking Dawn - the last vampire saga.

Talking to MTV News, the 20-year-old Twilight star revealed:

"I'm probably speaking out of line or whatever, but I think it would be awesome.

"Nobody knows what it's like to look through the eyes of a vampire. What if [Bella] opens her eyes to this extraordinary world? It could be cool."

However, she added that the effect should not be used on the entirety of the film but only to enhance particular scenes:

"I mean, the baby part, it's easy to joke [about] how weird it would be, but it wouldn't be the whole thing. It would be parts."

It might only be in meagre 2D, but Twilight: Eclipse hit the UK screens on 8 July - not long to go!

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