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Courtney Love Used To Do WHAT To Kurt Cobain's WHERE?

Courtney Love Used To Do WHAT To Kurt Cobain's WHERE? - Courtney Love is a fan of over-sharing. I mean to the point of creepy visuals that you just can't shake no matter how many pictures of adorable kittens you stare at online. Why. Did. I. Read. This?

Better questions is why am I sharing it with you guys? Maybe it's like 'The Ring'. Once I share the quote, I'll be safe from it and it will leave my memory.

Ok brace yourself - Courtney just admitted in new VH1 documentary 'Behind the Music: Courtney Love' that she used to have to do strange things to help husband Kurt Cobain wake up after doing drugs.
"He'd pass out and seek oblivion and I'd have to f***ing slap him and put pins in his balls and put ice cubes everywhere and it started to p**s me off... I started resenting that; I didn't like being a nursemaid."
Oh my word.
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