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Daniel Radcliffe Thought Justin Bieber Was A Girl

Daniel Radcliffe Thought Justin Bieber Was A Girl

Oh boy. When Daniel Radcliffe first heard Justin Bieber on the radio he thought it was a girl singing.
“I’m so out of the loop when it comes to pop culture that I kind of don’t even try anymore. Only heard Justin Bieber for the first time two weeks ago. I genuinely thought it was a woman singing. I’d never heard it before.”
LOL! This quote would make sense if Daniel was in his mid-30s, but at 21 you would THINK he would have some idea of who Justin was. He's like an epidemic! Everywhere you go, it's all Bieber all the time.
While Daniel is not trying to have a music career, he does admit he loves to sing Karaoke. He told MTV News:
"I love karaoke. I am one of those people [who says], 'No, no, I can't, I couldn't possibly, no I won't... all right, give me the mic!' And then I'm elbowing other people out of the way to get to the stage.”
Speaking about a recent karaoke night, he added:
“I sang Elvis Presley's 'Hound Dog.' That, and then I did 'Feeling Good' by Muse. That was my proudest moment, because I actually did that rather well. I was really pleased, because I can sing.
“I've been having singing lessons for two and a half years. I'm not amazing, obviously, but I'm all right."
Where's the video?!

Photos by INF

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