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Double Negative Exposure: Bravo Show Calls Out Lindsay Lohan

thehollywoodgossip - Bravo's new show Double Exposure, which takes you behind the lens of celebrity photographers Markus Klinko and Indrani, aired its second episode last night.

The subject of the episode: Lindsay Lohan, and how the irresponsible train wreck almost sabotaged a photo shoot for her own line of leggings. Now she's pissed!

Centered around the troubled youngster bailing on a New York photo shoot that went down back in September, the episode is titled, "Is Lindsay Here Yet?"

It's a valid question. Sources close to the production say Lindsay was 11 hours late for the shoot, scheduled for 10 a.m. Her excuse? "She woke up late."

At 9 p.m.!?

It's worth noting that when the actress did eventually show up, a source reports, "she was fantastic to work with ... it's the 'getting there' that's another story."

Lindsay Lohan Working a PoleIndrina and Lindsay

She also hit it off with the star of the show, even sparking rumors that Lindsay Lohan and Indrani (above) were dating. So it must have gone alright in the end.

Nevertheless, Lindsay is obviously pissed about the way the episode is being promoted, taking to her Twitter page to claim that everything is "UNTRUE." Right.

"Sucks when 'friends' use you (in this case for ratings) even if they're lyin," she wrote. "I don't appreciate being used for press, I'm sure others would agree!"

In typical fashion, she blamed others and offered a really bad excuse, Tweeting: "I was given the wrong call time - now I know on purpose... it was a set-up." 

Isn't it always for Lindsay Lohan? Sucks when everyone sets you up, 24/7/365.

Here's hoping she shows up to her upcoming nude hangbag shoot!

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