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Salma Hayek Eats Bugs And Enjoys Every Minute Of It

Salma Hayek Eats Bugs And Enjoys Every Minute Of It - Before we all start squirming in our seats, we have to remember that different cultures eat different things.

Salma Hayek grew up enjoying the taste of ants, grasshoppers and worm. While this might not be the norm in America, I am sure many countries would have no problem with the following quote from her David Letterman interview.
“These little ants fried are amazing – with a little guacamole. And the worms… there are many different recipes for those… The little grasshoppers have a smoky flavor to them. It's the way they cook them, and it's really good."
“Look, I'm salivating! They're delicious."
Not my cup of tea... but to each his own right?! LOL!

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