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Happy Birthday, Free Britney!

thehollywoodgossip - For THG staff member Free Britney, it's already been quite a year.

He welcomed his first child into the world in February, a baby boy who rivals Mason Dash and Hank Baskett IV for Cutest Newborn of 2010, but that hasn't stopped him from pumping out content at a record rate.

Working on little sleep and in between diaper changes, FB has averaged 10 posts/day over the last week, all without complaint, all for the enjoyment of our loyal readers. He's also still working on his original mission: to free Britney Spears from the conservatorship under which she suffers.

It's a noble cause.

Ohh, Baby, Baby
It's okay, Brit. It's not too late to get your biggest supporter a gift.

As he turns 31 today, there's something every user out there can do for this dedicated writer's birthday: follow THG on Twitter!

Nothing would mean more to him.

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