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Heidi Klum Takes The Kids For A Stroll In New York City

Heidi Klum Takes The Kids For A Stroll In New York City

Here's 'Project Runway' host Heidi Klum out with her four kids (Leni, Johan, Henry, and Lou) as well as her mother, Erna, and a team of bodyguards and nannies. They're taking a walk through New York City (trust me, it must've been a HOT walk with the temperatures we've been having!)

It's good to get a peek "behind the scenes" and see the help celebrity moms enjoy. I don't blame Heidi for getting all the help she can: between FOUR kids (I struggle with my two), the paparazzi, and the New York crowds, I'd take all the help I could get, too!

Are you looking forward to the new season of 'Project Runway'? The episodes will be 90 minutes, so you'll get to see even more of what goes on in each episode. Is that a good thing or a little too much?

Photos by FAME (imnotobsessed)

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