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Jeff Probst Married Jenna Fischer! (But Not Like That)

Jason Merritt/Getty Images; Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Immunity idols are fleeting. Spousal immunity lasts forever. No wonder Jeff Probst wanted a piece of Jenna Fischer's wedding action.

It's no secret that the Office hottie tied the knot with writer Lee Kirk earlier this month, but it took almost three weeks to unearth the eyebrow-cocking revelation that the officiant of their vow-swap was none other than the Survivor host-turned-alliance king himself.

So how exactly did this oddball pairing come about? According to People, Probst and Fischer go way back—almost as far back as Probst's ordination into the Universal Life Church ministry, which has allowed him, since the 1990s, to conduct such ceremonies.

Well, you know what they say every good bride needs—something old, something new, something borrowed, something…from Emmy-winning reality television. (

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