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Jiah Khan

celebrityshowcaseworld - Jiah Khan was born on 20th February 1988 in New York, United States of America and grew up in Chelsea, London. Her father is Ali Rizvi Khan. There were rumours that she was Tahir Hussain’s daughter and related to Aamir Khan. Her mother is Rabiya Amin, who is from Agra and had worked as an actress in the eighties and has acted in Tahir Hussain’s Dulha Bikta Hai.

She was known as Nafisa Ali. After watching Angelina Jolie’s Gia, she decided to change her name to Jiah Khan.

Jiah did her A levels in Film Studies and Literature in London. She joined the Lee Strasberg Academy of Dramatic Arts, New York but discontinued on receiving a movie offer. Besides acting, she’s a dancer and has trained in Salsa, Samba, Kathak and Lambada. She plays the piano and is trained in opera too.

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