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Michelle Beadle vs. Erin Andews: Who Would You Rather...

This one is for you, fellas.

Yesterday, we offered a delicious debate to our female readers, asking them to choose between Justin Bieber and David Archuleta. At last glance, surprisingly, Archie held a sizable lead over Bieber in response to which of these cuties girls would prefer to date.

Now it's your turn to drool and decide, guys.

A pair of ESPN beauties are battling for your hearts and crotches, as SportsNation host Michelle Beadle refuses to cede the sexy spotlight to Erin Andrews. The latter may be better known, due to her stint on Dancing with the Stars and unfortunate peeping stalker case.

But Beadle is coming on strong these days, as viewers can watch her spunk and sass every afternoon on ESPN2. Compare the hotties now and then vote below...

Michelle Beadle PhotoESPN Beauty
[Photos: ESPN, Splash News]
Who would you rather...

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