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Pink Hospitalized After Falling in Concert

Pink suffered a painful fall onstage at a concert last night in Germany. While suspended in a harness, the star fell onto a steel barricade, ending the show.

She will be alright, as she Tweeted from the ambulance (that's dedication for you): "to all my nurnberg fans... I am embarassed and I am very sorry."

"I'm in ambulance now but I will b fine."

The singer explained how it all happened and how she got banged up: "didn't get clipped in2 harness correctly, drug me off stage, fell in2 barricade"

High Flying Pink
Pink's high-wire act nearly met disaster last night.

Again, she'll make it through this: "nothings broken, no fluid in the lungs, just seriously sore. I made that barricade my b*tch!!!" Thanx nurnberg :( "

Her husband, Carey Hart, added that she was "already out of the hospital" and "all good. Just got the s*** kicked out of her by the barrier."

Barriers have been known to win such battles most of the time. Get well soon, Pink! Follow the jump for a video of the mishap in Germany ... (thehollywoodgossip)

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