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Rep: Picture of Oksana Grigorieva's Chipped Tooth is the Real Deal

Rep: Picture of Oksana Grigorieva's Chipped Tooth is the Real Deal
Copyright 2010 Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images
A rep for Oksana Grigorieva claims that a disturbing photo of Oksana -- reportedly taken hours after she claims Mel Gibson punched her in the face -- is "true and accurate" and was not altered by anyone.

"The photo released by is 'true and accurate' and real. It was NOT doctored by Oksana or anyone associated with her," Oksana's rep Stephen Jaffe tells ET. "As a former photo analyst, I can say that I see no credible evidence of any alterations or 'doctoring' of the photograph as some have asserted. The reports that it was doctored are simply false."

The photo is a close-up of Oksana's face in which she shows what appears to be her chipped right front tooth. RadarOnline says the picture is being used by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department as it investigates Mel for possible domestic violence.

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