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Robert Shapiro to Represent Lindsay Lohan, Push For Rehab Instead of Prison

Yesterday, we reported that Lindsay Lohan needs a good lawyer ASAP.

Well, she got one, and he's a heavyweight: L.A.-based Robert Shapiro, who's most famous for being part of the team that successfully defended O.J. Simpson.

Robert has signed on to represent Lindsay Lohan in her saga, although his plan not to appeal the star's 90-day jail sentence, which she must begin Tuesday.

Instead, Shapiro, whose son died of a drug overdose in 2005, will try to convince Judge Marsha Revel to put Lindsay in rehab and eliminate or minimize jail.

The attorney has a lot of experience at rehab facilities and has a specific plan for Lindsay, and a specific place - a live-in facility in which Shapiro is involved.

Robert ShapiroFuture Convict
Can Robert Shapiro get Lindsay Lohan into rehab instead of jail?

Shapiro, 67, recently created a foundation to help people deal with drug and alcohol problems, and named it after his son - The Brent Shapiro Foundation.

The troubled star is supposed to turn herself in on Tuesday.

Perhaps with this new legal all-star on her side pushing for her to get help, rather than just make excuses for her, the judge will show her some mercy.

Fun Fact: Another member of O.J.'s legal team was Robert Kardashian, Sr., the father of Lindsay's pal Kim Kardashian and her many famous siblings. (thehollywoodgossip)

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