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Slim body keeps Jolie away from workout

celebscrash - Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie says she's always been naturally slim and doesn't really need to workout.

"I really don't workout. I've always been kind of slight and I've always loved to run and jump around and be physical, so action roles are not a huge challenge for me. I enjoy them," quoted her as saying.

Jolie revealed that during filming the first "Tomb Raider" movie, she was given a special diet plan to make her feel healthier.

"It was such a challenge physically. A special diet also helped me shape my body. I ate steamed sea bass or steamed beef and vegetables and I had no sugar and only drank soy milk.

"I'm all for curves on a woman and feeling sexy. I never felt healthier or stronger than during the filming of this movie," she added.

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