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THG Fashion Choice of the Week: Kim Kardashian

Man, why do we ever make fun of Kim Kardashian?!?

Granted, the celebrity has no talent and is only famous because she allowed an aspiring hip hop artist to film the pair having sexual intercourse.

But she also seems mostly aware of these facts and, therefore, doesn't try to act, sing or do much at all except wear sexy outfits. Case in point, from this week: her one-piece at the AMP Energy Bullrun Rally.

Now, at an event for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Miami, the reality star essentially donned lacy lingerie in public. Check out Kim's outfit below, as she poses with her sisters and even with Selena Gomez:

Kim and Selena
Sexy TopKardsNice Fashion Choice

Kim's mission is clear: Reggie revenge! She's obviously accomplished it.

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