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Rachel Bilson Hates the Attention Body Image Receives

Rachel Bilson Hates the Attention Body Image Receives | beauty body image
“You know what I hate?… the amount of attention that is put on weight and body image. It is so backwards and sends out the wrong message. ‘What do you eat? Do you work out?’ It’s not what young girls should be stressing about. They look up to these actresses and read about plastic surgery and what they do and don’t eat. I eat, I love food, I wanna eat when I wanna eat. If you are not feeling good about yourself, then you work out. But you do it for you.”
… says Rachel in InStyle Magazine this month.
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Rachel Bilson Hates the Attention Body Image Receives | beauty body image
Rachel Bilson Hates the Attention Body Image Receives | beauty body image

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