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Taiwan noble lady Aimee Sun Yunyun

Taiwan noble lady Aimee Sun Yunyun (1)

Name: Sun Yunyun 孙芸芸
English Name: Aimee Sun
Nickname: 小乖
Birthplace: China Taiwan
Birthday: 1978 May 14
Constellation: Taurus
Blood type: AB
Height: 163cm
Weight: 43kg
Father: Sun Tao-tsun 孙道存
Mother: He Nian-ci (何念慈)
Husband: Henry Liao 廖鎮漢
Hobbies: dressing up and shopping , cooking, watching movies, things of ancient Egypt (including movies, stories, accessories, jewelry), Mr and child care, jewelry design
Most interesting things: Egyptian culture, Chinese history, the old Shanghai style
Favorite color: Turkish blue, camel, purple, green
Favorite Brand: Blumarine, TOD’S
Favorite clothing: Dolce
School: University of Southern California, Department of Economics

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