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Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway
  Now that all of the post-Oscars crap talking has ended, Anne Hathaway (coined the hyper, frustrated host next to James Franco), has opened up about how she really loved the experience.

She said on the Today show: “The experience was so big. The bigness of it was so overwhelming. But at the same time I felt so much joy to get to be a part of movie history. You know, the critics were tough. They said we were the worst show ever. I think that qualifies as tough!"

The failed chemistry between a very theatrical Hathaway and a very stoned -- or tired -- Franco set off a media fire of criticism. But regardless of their half-awkward performance, Hathaway says she's just proud to say she was an Oscars host in the first place.

“There was the critical reaction, which was awful. Then there are the people who have been coming up to me since then who stop and say, 'I thought it was fantastic," she said. "I still got to walk out at the Kodak and see those people and someday I'll get to tell my grandkids about it."

Can we settle this issue now? Ever?
83rd Annual Academy Awards - Show
Presenters Anne Hathaway and James Franco speak onstage during the 83rd Annual Academy Awards held at the Kodak Theatre on February 27, 2011 in Hollywood, California. (Getty Images)

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