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Britney Spears Changes Her Tune on Letting Kids Into Showbiz

Last summer, pop superstar Britney Spears raised quite a few eyebrows when she told Cosmopolitan that she'd never want her children to forge a career in Hollywood: "If my sons told me they wanted to be in the entertainment business, I'd lock them in their rooms until they turned 30," she joked.

But in a new Q & A with Harper's Bazaar, Spears seems to have softened to the idea of sons Sean, 5, and Jayden, 4, becoming celebs in their own right. She told Laura Brown, "If they have a love and a passion for the arts and that's what they want to do, then so be it. They are both little actors and so charismatic, I wouldn't be surprised at all."
Other revelations in the interview include Britney's assertion that, as a mother, she tends to worry a lot. She also said, "I'm more straightforward, and I speak up more than I did before. When I was younger, I wouldn't speak up as much, but now that I'm a mom, things have changed."

Spears' response is particularly interesting in light of how little she's spoken to promote her latest album, Femme Fatale, and the fact that her parents recently claimed her "mentally incapable" of giving a deposition in a defamation lawsuit. When's Britney going to speak up about that?

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