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FHM's Girlfriends: the complete collection

FHM's Girlfriends: the complete collection

Every month, FHM features a new girlfriend.We photograph them, usually in lingerie, in a trendy little flat somewhere and interview them as if – and this is the clever bit – we ourselves had once been bold enough to woo them. To kiss them. To ask them if we might have a future together. Talk about living vicariously.
But it’s not all fantasy. We have met these girls. We have looked them in the eye and said, “Do you mind if I roll in drunk on a Saturday morning?”, and we do have the videos to prove it. So go nuts. Read and watch them all. Pick your favourite, then download the desktop wallpaper and give her a nod and a wink every now and again. Don’t get too comfortable though; there’ll be a new one next month.

Thanks to FHM

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