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Jessica Alba Prom Pic - Ex-BF's 13 YEARS of Regret

Jessica Alba Prom Photo

They broke up soon after this prom photo -and 13 years later, Jessica Alba's high school boyfriend STILL regrets it so much ... he founded a website as a monument to what could have been.

The guy in the picture - named Chris Lakkees - tells TMZ, his 5-year on-and-off relationship with Jessica Alba inspired him to create a website designed to prevent unnecessary break-ups ... helping feuding couples overcome their differences with advice from people across the Internet.

It's called -- and Chris is pretty confident Alba wouldn't have ended things if something like it existed back when they broke up ... telling us, he "always wished that someone would have mediated between Jessica and him so they at least could have stayed friends."

Yes, you and every other guy she has ever breathed on.

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