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Justin Bieber Gets Egged at Sydney Concert

Justin Bieber Live In Sydney
Singer Justin Bieber performs on stage at Acer Arena on April 28, 2011 in Sydney, Australia. (Getty Images)

Did a non-Belieber sneak into one of Justin Bieber's concerts this weekend? Looks like it! Someone launched eight eggs at the Bieb while he performed at the Acer Arena in Sydney, Australia Friday night!
Luckily, none of the eggs landed on the 17-year-old, and he simply moved out of the way and continued singing right on through the ordeal. Eggcellent.
The Bieb moved out of the way and let a cleanup crew take care of the mess, then finished out the rest of the concert without missing a beat. Hopefully the egger won't be following him on his three upcoming concerts in Australia this week.
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