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Kate Upton

Kate Upton snuck under our radar at Tribeca

Yesterday, see, we published an epic article (epic as in big, not epic as in great, we’re not that sure of ourselves) focusing on the beautiful women who attended that there Tribeca Film Festival. In fact, we called it a “Definitive Guide.”
Ah, hubris, you crash down upon us like a hard kick to the face. It turns out that after our article was published, Kate Upton (sexy, sexy Kate Upton) had the temerity to attend a premier for a film called The Bully Project whilst looking all sultry and gorgeous, and we missed it.

    Kate Upton is sexy for the cameras at the Tribeca film festival
  • She won the Rookie Of The Year title in Sports Illustrated’s 2011 Swimsuit Issue.
  • Before moving into modeling, Kate was an avid horseback rider (we’re thinking it too...) and won five world titles for being pretty damn good at it.
  • Was scouted by modeling agencies when she was just 12 - but had to wait until she was old enough before signing a contract.

Kate Upton is sexy for the cameras at the Tribeca film festival
Curtain's knees sagged with delight

If we had to sum up Kate Upton in just one word, it’d probably just be “wow”. That’s right, “wow”. None of this “amazing”, or “awesome” malarkey, oh no. Just "wow". Why? Because we’re constantly amazed by Miss Upton and pretty much everything about her.
She’s just got the lot, hasn’t she? As a general rule of thumb, you have to if you’re deemed hot enough to be able to count Guess, Beach Bunny swimwear and Victoria’s Secret among your employers. Not to mention Sports Illustrated, where she (rightly) took the Rookie Of The Year title in 2011.
Kate’s glorious journey from child horse rider (as in, she was a child when she rode horses all the time – we didn’t mean child horses, we know that they’re called ponies, obviously) to ethereal modeling angel of our dreams began when she was just 12. She was scouted out by modeling agencies at a horse riding show, and told to get back in touch when she was old enough. Thankfully, she remembered to do so – and on attending on open casting call in 2008, she was snapped up on the spot. Presumably to a contract that binds her to take off her clothes a lot in the future. God bless the legal system.
She's even proved how ridiculously cute she is on days off, when she showed us how to do 'the Dougie' dance during half-time of a LA Clippers basketball game. Suffice to say, that video that went viral on Twitter in 2011. So, you can add being a sports fan and a good dancer to Kate's already undeniable sexy brilliance, then. Lovely.

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