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Blogger -Tips & Tricks - How To Remove Wranches From BLOGGER


Blogging tip: remove the wrench icons from Blogger. Many bloggers have not known it, but these tiny quick editing icons may affect search engine optimization (SEO).

blogger wrench icon

I discovered through Website Grader, probably the best free SEO tool available today, that the wrench icons are images without alternate texts. Alt texts are tags we put to images or photos with relevance to blog posts to give our readers a good visual experience.

Prior to removal, my blog has a total of thirteen (13) wrench icons. The number actually depends on how many gadgets are put in a template. The more gadgets, the more quick editing icons there will be.

You may not mind the icons being there. If you, however, would like to remove them from Blogger, here's how:

1. In your Blogger Dashboard, click Layout.
2. Click the Edit HTML tab and then mark/check Expand Widget Template.
3. Using the Ctrl+F keys, find the following:

<b:include name='quickedit'/>

4. Delete all codes of this kind, Preview and then Save for the changes to take effect.
You will never see the wrench quick editing icons again.

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