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Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria

Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria
Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria

Name: Haga Yuria | Japanese name: 芳賀優里亜 | Birthdate: 11-27, 1987 | Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan | Blood Type: A | Height: 164cm | Hobbies: Taking pictures, writing poetry, shopping with friends | Ability: Baton, sports, sleeping | Favorite artist: Ketsumeishi | Siblings: Older brother, younger sister

Yuria says the moment she realized she loved being a model was when she got to try on so many types of dresses. Yuria made her debut in 1998 at the age of 11 as a model for various companies and businesses, including Coca Cola and Jusco. In 2001 she began to appear in a slew of magazines and publications, most notably Pure Pure and CANDy, of which she would become a regular model. In 2004 Yuria began modeling for Seventeen. Yuria began her acting career in 1999, but is probably best known for being in Kamen Rider 555 and Sh15uya.

Haga Yuria Pictures
Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria
Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria

Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria
Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria

Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria
Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria

Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria
Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria

Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria 
Japanese Celeb Model Haga Yuria

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