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Michael Phelps' Hot Body Evolution

Michael Phelps of the United States celebrates finishing the Men's 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay Final in first place and to win the gold medal held at the National Aquatics Center on Day 3 of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 11, 2008 in Beijing, China.

Michael Phelps will take his last lap at this summer's London Olympics, but his legacy -- and his sculpted body -- will be far from forgotten.

At 6-foot-4, the 16-time medalist has gone from a skinny mini teen to a statuesque grown man. "It's the whole package: the Speedo, the goggles, the cap. It makes me feel like a superhero!" he tells Us Weekly of his most recognized uniform.

Since bringing home a whopping eight gold medals at the Beijing Summer Olympics in 2008, Phelps has had his fare share of non-swimming headline-making moments. In early 2009, he was suspended from competitive swimming after being caught smoking marijuana -- a moment he tells Us Weekly was "the lowest point in my career."

"After 2008, I knew deep down inside I wanted to [swim], but I just didn't want to put in the work," the 27-year-old athlete tells Us of his party fouls while living the high life. "There were times when I just wouldn't come to practice and it didn't excite me."

But this time around, Phelps is in it to win it -- if not on the boards, then for his own personal goals.

"Once I hang my suit up I want to be able to look back and say I've done everything I can in my career -- whether that's having fifty gold medals or having sixteen total medals," the Baltimore, Maryland native tells Us. "If I can say I've done everything I've wanted, I think that's really all that matters."

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