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Mindy Kaling: "I'd Love to Lose 15 Pounds," But I Can't!

Mindy Kaling on USA Today

In an ideal world, Mindy Kaling says she would love "to lose 15 pounds and exercise five to seven times a week."

But for the forseeable future, exercising regularly is low on Kaling's priority list. As the star, creator and executive producer of Fox's The Mindy Project, the 33-year-old doesn't have much time to squeeze in daily workouts. "I get to work at 6 a.m.," she tells USA Weekend. "I'm in virtually every scene. We wrap at 7 p.m. and then I stay in the writers' room until 2 a.m."

Because of her jam-packed schedule, "I've recently realized that in order to keep my energy up, I had to start eating better," The Office alum says. "It's not just for weight loss. I love candy and pizza, but they actually make me very tired. I need to be alert."

Kaling admits that while she loves "reading about diets," she's "learned they're difficult to implement. I eat like an Olympic swimmer, but I also like go ing on long, luxurious runs."

VIDEO: Mindy Kaling chats with Us about women in comedy

"When I'm not in production, I go for jogs five to six days a week," she adds. "There's a history of heart attacks on my father's side of the family, so I do think about cardiovascular health. I'm an avid slow jogger. I always hesitate to go on runs with my friends because my pace is so slow. I'm talking about an 11-minute mile over an hour and a half."

Cooking healthy meals -- or any meals at all, for that matter -- is nearly impossible, given that the comedy star doesn't "own any pots and pans."

Still, "I feel there's a really talented cook inside me," Kaling muses. "I feel I'd be a natural -- the way that people look at sports figures and say, 'I could swim like that, but I don't have the time.'"

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