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Jessica Simpson: A Day in My Diet

Jessica Simpson on September 11, 2012 in New York City.

Dust off the Daisy Dukes!

Four months after Jessica Simpson welcomed daughter, Maxwell (with fiance Eric Johnson, 33), the star says: "I'm 10 pounds away from my prebaby size!" She shares the secrets of her success on Weight Watchers with Us Weekly.

7 a.m. Simpson, 32, wakes to feed Maxwell, then eats breakfast: half a Flatout flatbread sandwich with egg whites, peppers and fat-free cheddar (6 PointsPlus).

8 a.m. Simpson straps on her pedometer and hits the streets with Johnson and Maxwell. "I'm trying to do at least 14,000 steps a day," she says. Afterward: a snack of berries, bananas, melon or grapefruit (0 PointsPlus).

11 a.m. Four days a week, Simpson reports to trainer Harley Pasternak for a 45-minute session. After a cardio warm-up, it's circuit time: seven sets (up to 30 reps each) of dumbbell triceps exten sions, hamstring curls and crunches with a medicine ball throw. "Her waist is going in, and her thighs are growing smaller," says Pasternak.

12:30 p.m. If it's Wednesday, she weighs in at home with her mom and pals.

1 p.m. "I make lunch my biggest meal to keep me full through the day," she says. One favorite: spinach salad with 4 ounces of chicken satay and pear (8 PointsPlus).

2 p.m. Stroller walk with Maxwell, or hoof it at home on the treadmill watching 24. Her reward: a WW berry smoothie (3 PointsPlus).

6:30 p.m. Bathtime and bed for Maxwell, then dinner for Mom! It's often fish (4 ounces of halibut or tilapia) with roasted eggplant, broccoli or asparagus (6 PointsPlus). And for dessert? Skinny Cow chocolate truffle bars (3 PointsPlus).

10 p.m. Lights out.

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